Pollination project

We had visitors into school to teach us about pollination and why it is important. All the children then had the chance to sow their own seeds to take home so they could grow different flowers to provide nectar for animals that need it.

It was an enjoyable activity for all involved.

Maths learning

In Maths we have been learning about 2D shapes, identifying sides and vertices and how to find out if shapes have lines of symmetry.

We were able to find lines of symmetry by folding shapes to see if they were the same on both sides.

Year 2 learning

We have had a busy term so far with lots of exciting learning taking place.

In RE, we have been learning about the good news Jesus brings, with a focus on parable: Jesus heals ten men with Leprosy. We discussed how the Lepers were feeling at different points and then acted it out, pretending we were different people from the parable.

In our Science lessons we have been learning about animals including humans. We completed an investigation to find out if there was a link between our age and our body size. Everyone made lots of predictions and then used our Maths learning of measuring length and height to find out if there was a link. By the end of the lesson we found out that there wasn’t a link as some of the younger children were taller and had longer body parts.

The lonely beast

Our text this term is The Lonely beast and we have begun to learn part of the story in preparation for writing a newspaper report. To help us, we pretended to be reporters and interviewed the children and the beast.

Look out for some of our newspaper reports over the coming weeks.


So far this term we have looked at length and height, learning how to measure objects in cm and m. We spent time measuring various places around the school to see how long they were!

We have also looked at estimating how long objects are, deciding that we have never come across a penguin that was 5m tall!