Welcome back!

What an exciting term we have in store for you all!

Here is the curriculum map for Term 2 and the KIRFs.

We would really appreciate it if you could practise the KIRFs as often as you can with your child, so they are embedded and the children become fluent in them.

The children will continue to come home with their reading book – which they should be reading at least 4 times a week – and spellings. In addition to this, the children will be set Learning with Parents sessions every fortnight which will help to consolidate the learning they have been doing in class.


This term we have been focusing on structures and used our History topic ‘The Great Fire of London’ to re-create our own Great Fire of London houses. The children spent time learning about which shapes would be best and how to make them stronger before designing, creating, adapting and painting their houses.


Drama in English

This term we have been busy learning about The Great Fire of London and have spent the last couple of weeks focusing on newspaper reports.

To help us with this writing we used a range of drama activities to support our imaginations and understanding of the events.

Infant Games

Year 2 were able to go over to the Marsh Academy to participate in the infant games. They spent the day there and got to experience 5 different sports; Squash, American football, Martial arts, Cricket and Golf. All the children enjoyed competing in their teams and loved their new infant games t-shirt that they got to wear and keep.


Welcome to Term 6

We have reached the final term of the academic year.

Lots of exciting things will also be taking place:

Sports day

Trip to Rochester castle

Creating our own campfire

Meet our year 3 teacher

Making our own wraps linked to the lighthouse keeper’s lunch.

Please find attached our curriculum overview for this term as well as our KIRFs for Maths.