Useful Information about Year 2

PE this year is on Mondays and Wednesday afternoons, we will be inside and outside during these sessions.

PE kit for all children: Navy Shorts and white T-shirt, plimsolls/ trainers. A navy-blue tracksuit for colder weather – further details can be found on the school website by following this link – School Uniform

The classrooms can be very warm with everyone busy learning, so please ensure your child has a clearly labelled water bottle with them in school each day to keep them hydrated and able to learn.

As a reminder, the school day starts at 8.30 am and ends at 3.15 pm.  Please aim to arrive at school at 8.30am, as important Start Of Day Activities (SODA) take place during the time before worship and we would like all children to benefit from the maximum amount of learning time.

In Fox Class we have Mr Hooper and Miss Carswell

In Hare Class we have Miss Kay and Mrs Newman

In Rabbit Class we have Mrs Dunton (on Monday and Tuesday) Miss McHaffie (on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) and Miss Howes