Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), based in Ashford, brought a plane to the playground for the children to sit in and look around.

The children also made paper airplanes which they tried to launch through hoops to gain points. Well done to Isaac and Evie who scored the most points.

The class was split into 2 groups for 2 different activities. The first activity was a rescue mission to save Bob who had been bitten by a poisonous spider and needed to be carried through the jungle to a hospital. Both groups managed the task with good team work in carrying Bob on a stretcher in the dark with crocodile infested swamps!!

The second activity involved decision making. The children role-played being on an MAF plane that was full of passengers, but they needed to select one passenger to stay behind so that a very sick person could take their place and get medical attention as soon as possible. This was difficult as each passenger had their reasons for staying, but groups made a selection and were able to justify their decision.

The children have had a brilliant day – One child said that they want to become an MAF pilot one day.

A big thank-you to MAF for visiting

and giving the children an amazing experience.


We were lucky enough to work with Mrs Vincent, who will be teaching us music this term. Mrs Vincent taught us about tempo, pulse and rhythm in addition to some new songs. We look forward to next week’s lesson.

Geography – Fieldwork

We were inspired by Shackleton’s expedition and created our own within our school.  We used our instructions to go on an expedition of the school grounds. Then we swapped instructions with another group. We had fun using the compass and following the instructions.