Miss Jones and Miss Franks would like to say a huge welcome back to everyone moving up to year 5.
Welcome everyone.
🙂 We have had a great start to the year. 🙂
In English we have been reading our new story “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” alongside our model text for this term “Dobber and the Silver Ring’ Why not ask you r child about these stores? Everyone has a school reading book and are required to read for 20 minutes at least 4 times a week. Please record your child’s reading in the yellow home school diary they have been given.
In Maths we have kicked started the year off by investigating Place Value.
In Science we will be exploring the solar system.
‘Moving People’ is our theme for Topic. Watch this space for more information.
Week 5
- This week we have been rehearsing for our performance “Opening Night”on Monday 10th July. Please see the school office for tickets.
- Please remember to learn the words of all the songs we will be performing.
- Click here for the words of our song: Hippopotamush
- Good luck to all of those taking part in the cricket and District sports. Well-done to Olivia R who stood in last minute to help out the cricket team.
Week 4
It has been a really busy week with singing rehearsals and the Marsh Olympics.
Please ensure you return your permission slips for the concert on Monday 10th.
Week 3
Book week – thank you all for making such a huge effort with your costumes for Book week. Look out for more photos.
We had a great time meeting Brian Moses and Charlie Wilson.
Week 2
What a fantastic end to the first week back! Well-done to everyone involved in the Race for Life on Friday.
££ We are yet to find out the grand total but every little helps, so please remember to return your sponsorship forms (and money) to the school office ASAP. ££
This week we have started to read our new book, ‘A Journey to the River Sea’.
In English we will be looking at planning, writing and editing, innovations to the journey story started in Week 1.
SPAG focus is on direct speech.
We have been looking at converting different units of measure.
We have explored imperial measurements such as miles, feet and inches, pints and gallons!
Homework this week
Awards and Praise
Have you checked out the new look Mathematics?
Log on now to see what has changed.
The current class leaders can be seen below.
Harvey and Shanelle still hold the title of King and Queen of Mathletics – can anyone knock them off the top spot?
Well-done to Harvey, George C and Luke who together have over 36000 live points!
Please ask your teacher if you would like your certificates printed.
Summer Term
Welcome back – we hope you have enjoyed the break 🙂
This term is crammed full of exciting dates for your diary.
Week 1:
Race for Life
Week 2:
On Friday 16th June we have an outside company coming in to work with Yr5 on the theme of Victorians (our book focus last term). Please ensure you return your permission slips and voluntary donations ASAP.
Parent consultations are this week (Tuesday and Friday)
Week 3:
Book week – book character dress up day – real life poet Brian Moses – Book fair – PJ evening – look out for a flyer advertising the week.
Dates TBC
- Sports Day
- Marsh Olympics
- Singing Yr 5
What a week! Well done to all the children, with CAT testing and assessments in Maths, English and SPAG it has been a challenging week.
This week your child sat CAT TESTS. Next week you will receive your child’s results.
After the half term break there will be a meeting for anyone interested in discussing these results and to provide you with information regarding the application process for the Kent/Shepway tests.
Awards and Praise – Week 4
Willow: Star of the Week | 🙂 Jake |
Maple: Work to be proud of | 🙂 Olivia Roxby – outstanding homework |
Mathletics update
The current class leaders can be seen below.
Well-done to Harvey who has maintained the top spot in Maple class.
Maple – Harvey and Shanelle 🙂
Willow – Madison and Keira 🙂
Awards and Praise – Week 3
Maple: Star of the Week | 🙂 Max |
Willow: Work to be proud of | 🙂 TBC |
Week 2
In English, we have been looking at the rags to riches story of Dick Whittington. We will be moving onto the innovation stage of our Talk for Writing English, looking at the alterations and additions that could be made to the original plot.
In maths, we will continue to develop our understanding of angles. Why not challenge your child to explore the different types of angles around the house?
Welcome back Term 5 Week 1
What a great start to the term.
PE: Just a reminder that PE is now on Mondays and your child should have a full PE kit in school as per our uniform list.
Please see the office for any queries regarding what is acceptable school PE Kit.
REPORTS: School reports were handed out on Friday – please speak to your class teacher on Monday if you require a ‘drop in’ on Tuesday to discuss any aspect of your child’s report.
Awards and Praise
Maple: Star of the Week | 🙂 Luke Hopper |
Willow: Work to be proud of | 🙂 Danny – Jay Long |
Mathletics update
The current class leaders can be seen below.
Well-done to Harvey who has maintained the top spot in Maple class. Also to Shanelle who has risen to the top of the usage charts!
Maple – Harvey and Shanelle 🙂
Willow – Daisy May and Kiaran 🙂
Please click here to find the homework set on the 21st April.
Week 6 – Both Miss Franks and Miss Lee wish you all a relaxing and safe Easter break.
Greek food tasting!
A huge thank you to Miss Vidler for providing year 5 with some delicious Greek food to taste, as a fitting finale to our IPC topic, The Bold and The Brave.
The children had the option of sampling hummus, olives, raisins, celery, grapes, flat bread, ciabatta bread and green beans. For many of the children, it was their first taste of some of these foods.
Here are some of the comments from the children:
‘I enjoyed the flat bread. It was not only flavoursome, but also quite powdery.’ – Lucy.
‘I enjoyed the grapes the best because they were juicy and delicious.’ – Madison.
‘I liked the flat bread and the ciabatta bread – they were both very nice.’ – Charlotte.
‘I loved the flat bread with the hummus because it tasted like coleslaw. I’d recommend this Greek food!’ – Matilda.
Awards and Praise
Willow: Star of the Week | 🙂 Frankie |
Maple: Work to be proud of | 🙂 Sam Cook for Maths |
Mathletics update
The current class leaders can be seen below.
Watch this space as we will be checking the leaderboards during the first week back.
Maple – Harvey and Isabelle 🙂
Willow – Daisy May and Kiaran 🙂
Week 6 Monday 27th March 2017
Week 5 was assessment week. Well done to everyone for giving 100%.
Buster Book Club
Well done to Willow class for improving their home reading this week.
They improved so much that they won the Buster Book Club award. Keep up the excellent home reading 🙂
Awards and Praise
Maple: Star of the Week | 🙂 Jessica G |
Willow : Work to be proud of | 🙂 Daisy – May |
Mathletics update
Mathletics is hotting up! The current class leaders can be seen below. Each week we will update this page to show our current ‘Mathletic Kings and Queens’!!
Celebrate success together – why not ask your child to show you their Mathletic points and certificates (these can be found on your child’s Mathletic dashboard).
Mathletic Kings | Mathletic Queens | |
Maple | Harvey SR | Isabelle K |
Willow | TBC | TBC |
This week we will starting to read the fantastic book ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty. Please question your child about the story. It really is a brilliant read.
Just a reminder that your child should be reading at least 4 times a week.
Please ensure you record in your child’s reading log when they have read. Please remind your child to bring in their reading logs everyday.
Last week we had lots of fun making and testing rubber balls as part of Science week. The theme for the week was ‘Change’. We took this theme into maths and investigated how we could make simple changes to the structure of shapes.
Assessment week
This week children will be undertaking formal assessments in Maths (Arithmetic/Problem solving & reasoning), Reading, SPAG, Spelling and Writing.
Homework set last week is due on Wednesday 22nd. Please click below to find the homework.
Awards and Praise
🙂 Star of the week | Maddie |
🙂 Work to be proud of | Lotti M Maple |
4 Monday 13th March 2017
Science week
This week is jammed full of experiences and adventure as it is British Science Week!
On Tuesday we will be experimenting with solutions to make rubber balls.
All this week we will be taking part in a national week of Scientific exploration and experimentation. British Science week 2017. Check out these pages for further updates throughout the week.
This week we will be selecting the Year 5 Hockey team – please see your teachers and Mrs Arnold to find out more.
Keep reading…
Keep recording the minutes you’ve read. The challenge lasts until the end of this week.
Check out Friday’s newsletter ‘The Buzz’ for home learning. Home learning is set every Friday and due the following Wednesday. Click on the image below to view the homework set on Friday 10th.
Wow what a fantastic week we’ve just had.
Week 3
Last Wednesday, every student (between Yr 1 and Yr 6) took part in a virtual reality experience allowing them to view some incredible, even out of this world experiences.
Thank you to Stuart and the team from Google Expeditions.
Huge praise to the Yr 5 football team. Great effort from all of you.
Buster Book Club
Well done to Maple class for improving their home reading this week.
They improved so much that they won the Buster Book Club award. Keep up the excellent home reading 🙂
Awards and Praise
Star of the Week | George R (Maple) 🙂 |
Work to be proud of | Madison C (Willow) 🙂 |