Week 4- Maths

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Visit the White Rose website.

Select ‘Week 2’.
Here you will find a selection of video clips about fractions/decimals. Which we are continuing. Please work through one video and the relevant activity each day – these need to be completed in the correct order. The activities and answers are provided on the same webpage.

Here is an overview of the week:
Lesson 1 – Divide 2 digits by 10.
Lesson 2 – Hundredths.
Lesson 3 – Hundredths as decimals.
Lesson 4 – Hundredths on a place value grid.
Lesson 5 – Divide 1 or 2 digits by 100.

Once you have completed the activity, you should then carry out some of these revision activities:
• There is a reveal the picture worksheet in 3 levels to revise the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
• Times Table Rock Star 4 x a week or more.
• Math’s prodigy game.

thumbnail of maths revision