Orientation Week 2023/24

We’ve had a stunning start this week to our first term in year 4.  We have been blessed with wonderful weather which has allowed us to spend plenty of time outside working together in our new classes. During our orientation week, the children have been thinking about how communities work together, be that the school community, class community, table community. They have been engaged in lots of team work activities, thinking about how we can collaborate with each other in fun ways.  We have been thinking about why we have rules in school, what behaviours we would expect everyone to display in class to allow us to succeed with our learning, looking at our school values and in particular focusing on our term 1 value of community.

We have also been learning about place value and number using maths games and solving riddles.  We have completed some still-life drawings, identifying shapes in objects to get started, then using pencil strokes to improve the lines of the drawing along with shading techniques to add light and shadow. We rounded off the week with #ReadHour – reading books outside in the shade to keep us cool!

Class Charters

PE ~ Teamwork games

Still Life Drawing

Maths Games
