Weekly Update – 02.12.16

Home learning for this week is to complete the maths test questions. The approaching week is assessment week, so this would be great practise to build up confidence. All maths packs have been sent home.

Please continue to read for at least 20 minutes for Buster’s Book Club every night (ensure this is being recorded in reading records). On another note, reading records need to be in school on a daily basis as we are unable to update the weekly spelling lists, change books and keep an up to date record of your child’s progress.

Do not forget to practise your maths times tables for the Times Table Challenge on Friday, only two more to go until the end of term!

A polite reminder again, PE is every Friday so please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school (letters have been sent home regarding this matter).

Good luck to everyone in all the assessments that are taking place this week and be the best that you can be.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.