Term 6 Week 6 06/07/20

thumbnail of T6 wk6 06.07.20   

Here is this weeks overview for using Oak National Academy, in which we continue to work a week behind (week 10). The overview also has other websites that can be used.  As always please complete the foundation subjects as you wish and there is still your workbooks to work from and there will still be worksheets that will be uploaded. Remember these are all options for you to use and we are not expecting by any means, for all to be completed each day. If you are using something different that works for your child, then please continue with this.

We are quite far into the term now and you are all continuing to working brilliantly. Great work Beech and Birch. We really enjoy seeing your work, learning and adventures, so please continue to share them with us. As always if there is any questions etc then please do not hestiate to contact Mrs Thorn via Dojo. We hope you have another fantastic week and keep up the excellent work. Keep safe and take care.