Term 5 Overview

Welcome back everyone! We are looking forward to an exciting term learning, playing and creating memories together.

We will be looking at the Romans this term, how they impacted Britain and their legacy.  Our science focus is ‘Plants’ and we are looking forward to carrying out various experiments and getting outside to work on the freshly restored vegetable beds (thank you Mrs Gunn!). In RE, we will be looking at what happened after Easter when Jesus spent time with His disciples before ascending to heaven and sending them the gift of the Holy Spirit. We will continue to focus on reading, with all children reading to an adult every day (please also continue to read at home a minimum of 4 times a week for 10 minutes) in addition to whole class reading and small group guided reading sessions.  In maths, our focus is money as we recap place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division.  We are looking forward to sharing our adventures with you on our ClassDojo pages.

Term 5 Overview - Romans

Term 5 Overview – Romans (PDF)

The Year 3 Team
Chestnut – Mr Houghton & Mrs Gunn
Rowan – Miss Ryan & Miss Cox