Home Learning – 06.01.17 (Due in 11.01.16).

This week we have introduced our new topic for this term ‘Material World’. Home learning for Topic is to create a sculpture using different materials that you can find e.g. milk bottles, boxes, newspaper, cardboard, containers etc.

Below are some points to consider before making your sculpture:

Should the sculpture represent the whole school community of children, teachers and parents?

Should the sculpture be based on the school emblem or motto, or reflect the local area in some way?

Should the material chosen to make it reflect the environment or the meaning of the sculpture?

How big should your sculpture be? Think realistically about you making it.

Where could your sculpture be placed in school– ideally, it will remain in the same place until after the exit point.

How and where will you collect the materials that you are going to need?

If you are making a sculpture from more than one material how will you join the different materials together?

Please continue to read for at least 20 minutes every night for Buster’s Book club.

In addition to this do not forget to practise your times tables for the Times Table Challenge on Friday.

Please check your reading records for weekly spellings (Birch).

A polite reminder that PE is still every Friday so please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school.

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 4 team.