Welcome to Year 3 – 2022/23

A huge ‘hello’ to all our new children and families joining us in Chestnut and Rowan this year. We really enjoyed welcoming the children back into school on Monday and it was lovely to see all of them smiling and excited to be back after the summer break.

Our PE day will be Friday.  Please can you ensure your child has a full PE kit in school, clearly labelled so they can participate fully in our PE activities. Please could you also remove any jewellery (e.g. earrings, etc.) before the children come into school.

The classrooms can be very warm with everyone busy learning, so please could we ask that your child has a named water bottle in school each day to keep them hydrated and able to learn.

As a reminder, the school day starts at 8.30 am and we have a new finish time of  3.15pm.  Please aim to arrive at school at 8.30am as important Start Of Day Activities (SODA) take place during the time before worship and we would like all children to benefit from the maximum amount of learning time.

We look forward to getting to know you all over the next few weeks.  If you have any queries, please direct them to your class teacher via ClassDojo or on the door.

The Year 3 Team

Chestnut – Mrs Lee, Mrs Gunn, Ms Knight and Miss Irons
Rowan – Mr Houghton and Miss Hatwell