Miss Jones and Miss Franks welcome you to Year 5. 
Miss Jones and Miss Franks would like to say a huge welcome back to everyone moving up to year 5.
Welcome everyone.
🙂 We have had a great start to the year. 🙂
In English we have been reading our new story “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” alongside our model text for this term “Dobber and the Silver Ring” Why not ask your child about these stories? Everyone has a school reading book and are required to read for 20 minutes at least 4 times a week. Please record your child’s reading in the yellow home school diary they have been given.
In Maths we have started the year off by investigating Place Value.
In Science we will be exploring the solar system.
‘Moving People’ is our theme for Topic. Watch this space for more information.
Thank you to all students who have already brought in their PE kits. PE is on a Thursday afternoon.
Any questions?
Please feel free to email us.