KS2 Worship led by Year 3

Today, Year 3 led worship for the whole of KS2 in the hall. The children took charge of the whole assembly, lighting the candle, reading the Bible passage, guiding the other children in their thinking and closing the worship time.

The Bible passage, taken from Matthew, told the story of Mary, Joseph and Jesus escaping to Egypt to get away from King Herod.

We thought about how Mary, Joseph and Jesus were refugees in a place where they could not speak the language and did not understand the culture – how frightened they must have been. We related this to refugees today, fleeing from wars, for example from Ukraine and Syria. We thought about how we can extend a hand of friendship to those who are frightened having made dangerous journeys to escape their terrifying situations.

We finished by listening to a song about reaching out to others –  You can reach out with a heart of love – Doug Horley.  Here’s a link to the video to watch at home – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3WhVRC51ls (please note this is an external link to YouTube).