Computing – Mars Rover

In our Computing lessons this term we have been learning all about the Mars Rover – Curiosity. We learnt how this machine is able to input, analyze and output data, sending its findings back to Earth with the use of binary code.

In this week’s lesson we learnt about the CPU and how it is a little bit like the computers brain. We learnt that computers are able to process codes (which are written in binary) and use this to follow instructions. 

​Then, we went outside and thought a bit more about how this works.  In pairs, one of us pretended to be Curiosity while the other was the technician back on Earth. The technician had to give the rover a certain amount of code (information) at a time and then the rover had to follow it. If the rover found a problem the technician had to edit their code to help the rover. 

We then learnt about giving conditional instructions and linked this back to our learning on Scratch.