The Lonely Beast

This term our English work is all linked to our lovely text ‘The Lonely Beast’

We’ve begun by exploring our feelings towards this enormous black creature of whom we know nothing about!

The children have been looking at the illustrations and using role-play to develop understanding about our main character.

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We’ve mapped out the story and look forward to creating some interesting descriptions of the Beast next week

Term 3

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

It’s all change in Year Two and we are really excited to explore some fantastic topics this term.

The children have settled in brilliantly to their new classes, and of course classrooms.

Find below our Topic Web for Term 3 which gives you all of our objectives for each subject.


This term we are looking at multiplying numbers by 2, 5 and 10.

T3 KIRFs y2

Here are some links to websites that have great resources for you to practice at home:

We love these Times table songs!


The Snail and the Whale

To start this term we have been reading and delving into the gorgeous story of the Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson.

We began our term by looking at some garden snails, we watched how they moved and researched by watching videos and reading books. The children all had the chance to make their own snails and many children had collected shells over the half term break so we could study those to see which was closest to the shape of the tiny sea snail in the story.

Our learning so far has looked at describing settings, working collaboratively with our peers to think of the best and most suitable adjectives to describe the scenes from the book. We have looked at the different spellings igh/i-e/ie which are often found in the story, and have begun to look at contractions (don’t / won’t / didn’t).

The children have been immersed in the scenes and have been able to use all their senses to describe the settings.

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You can even download this page to practice your lovely cursive handwriting!

cursive handwriting sheet


Arts Week

During this week we worked on our observational, sketching and collage skills.

The whole school looked at architecture as our theme for this year, while in Year Two we focused on Doors.

We began the week by going for a walk around New Romney to look at all of the different styles of doors we could find. The Children took photos of them, then it was back to school to sketch the different doors we had seen. We moved on to looking at artists, especially Henri Matisse and his approach to art. We created some artwork using his methods, looking at techniques, colours and shapes.

Our final piece was a door each, where the children used materials they’d collected at home and at school to recreate one of the doors we found on our walk.

The children did a fantastic job and we can’t wait to share them properly in a gallery format later in the term!



This term Year 2 have been learning about animals and what they need to survive.

We had great fun making bird feeders to see which birds we could spot in our outdoor areas at school.

What birds can you identify as you walk to and from school, or in different environments at the weekends?

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European Day of Languages

We started the day by looking at different European flags, identifying the colours and talking about some of the places that we, or our families have visited in Europe.

In the afternoon all of Year Two got together to learn some Dutch. Mrs Dunton had brought in some clogs, tulips and some traditional Dutch foods to talk about. We looked through the PowerPoint and listened to Mrs Dunton explaining it in Dutch.

We learnt a traditional Dutch rhyme about the King through which we could practice the colours red, white and blue in Dutch!

Here is our powerpoint if you would like to practice or have a look at home (it will open as a PDF) All about Holland

The Creation Story

This term we are looking at the story of the Creation, at St Nicholas we use a scheme of work called Understanding Christianity. We have this lovely Frieze displayed in each classroom, today we have been looking at the part of the frieze that depicts the creation, this picture stimulated some amazing conversations amongst the children and further questions for us to explore.

I wonder what you can see in the picture? The children discussed what might be in the closed tins!

Here is some of our work looking at the Creation and what God made on each day.

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Beginning Our Great Fire of London Topic

This Term we are immersing ourselves in the Great Fire of London

On September 1st 2023 just a few days before we started back at school the topic made national headlines

Great Fire of London: Man who first raised alarm identified

How fantastic to study a topic that is still making the headlines!

We began our DT project by building some Tudor houses, we wanted to identify if they were stable, and how we could improve them when we build our own Tudor houses later in the term. The children were fantastic at cutting out the templates and worked hard together to create the 3D shapes.