Home Learning 29.09.17 (due in on 04.10.17)

Please can you continue to practise your Times Tables for the Times Table Challenge every Friday. Who can be the first person to move up a level in Year 5 this academic year? 

In addition to this continue to read for the Busters Book Club. Children should be reading for 20 minutes every night. Can Willow or Maple take the trophy this week?

In Art we have been looking at Vincent van Goth. We would like you to research Vincent van Goth and create a fact file. Including information such as: Where was he born? Did he always want to be an artist? What was his most famous piece? How many paintings did he sell when he was alive?

Due: 04.10.17

Star of the Week from Willow Class is Kai Anthony 🙂

Thanks for your continued support.

Year 5 team.